9 Facts on Solar Energy

9 Facts on Solar Energy

1. Solar Energy Can Purify Water with UV Energy

2. Solar energy produces no pollution, has no environmental effects and is ecologically acceptable.

3. Solar energy has also alternative use. By means of photosynthesis, solar energy is converted by green plants into chemical energy which creates the bio mass that makes up the fossil fuels.

4. Solar powered hot water systems use solar energy to heat water. In certain areas, 60 to 70% of water used locally for temperatures as high as 60 degree Celsius can be made available by solar heating.

5. Solar energy can also be used for making potable, brackish or saline water. Without using electricity or chemicals, waste water can be treated. Creating salt from sea water is also one of the oldest uses of solar energy.

6. Food can be cooked, dried or pasteurized using solar energy.

7. Common domestic use of solar energy is from solar panels which absorb solar energy to use for cooking and heating water.

8. Solar power is noise pollution free. It has no moving parts, and does not need any additional fuel, other than sunlight, to produce power.

9. When we Eat Fruits and Vegetables We Get Calories from the Sun


Solar energy facts are becoming ever more important as we look for renewable sources of energy that don’t harm the surroundings. Solar energy in its greenest sense is the energy that comes from our star, the Sun. The nuclear fusion that occurs in the Sun produces an incredible amount of light and heat. This is solar energy.
While people think of solar energy facts, they often think of solar panels that are used to convert solar energy into electricity. There are, yet, other technologies for harnessing solar energy. Amazing solar energy facts for kids are a great technique to get them attracted in learning about science. Learning how to create new technologies which allow us to harness the power of the Sun has captivated humankind for thousands of years, and remains at the forefront of science today.